Get 86 customers to pay you $98 for your SaaS and you have a 6 figure business ๐ŸŽ‰

The other day, while watching Grant Cardone's virtual event, both Grant & Russel Brunson discussed the importance of setting a financial goals for your business and working backwards to figure out how to achieve it ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Get 86 customers to pay you $98 for your SaaS and you have a 6 figure business ๐ŸŽ‰

Get 86 customers to pay you $98 per month for your SaaS and you have a 6 figure business 🎉

Get 334 customers to pay you $250 per month for your SaaS and you have a 7 figure business 🏆

The other day, while watching Grant Cardone's virtual event, both Grant & Russel Brunson discussed the importance of setting a financial goals for your business and working backwards to figure out how to achieve it 💰

It sparked some inspiration and some very fond memories of my 14+ year journey filled with many up's & downs, I decided to quickly hack together a SaaS revenue calculator to inspire those that are interested in exploring SaaS and visually seeing what it would take to hit / reach your desired income level and then hopefully spark some ideas and mostly importantly inspiration to explore the world of SaaS ❤️

Starting out... my main goal and dream was always financial freedom, not having to work for a boss, travel the world, and work on my schedule.

And though I was able to gain some success through lots of trial and error in the beginning of my journey, I kept on choosing the wrong business vehicle!

I have literally tried every type of online business, opportunity & concept under the sun ☀️🙈

I tried, the Affiliate marketing thing.. though it was good, I built someone else's business.

Tried eCommerce thing… Was not sustainable… High Ad costs and competition made it a game of luck!.. Never mind the Fulfilment... = low profit margins at the end of the day..

Tried the Agency thing. lots of competition… Short client life cycle… Not sustainable or scaleable.

At the end of the day these ventures cost more money and time than anything else!

When we embarked into the world of Software... Everything changed!!! 🏆

We went from struggling, living from pay check to pay check and loosing money… 💔🙈

To Serial Launching 20+ SaaS Ventures in the last 6+ years across industries such as Marketing & Sales, B2B, B2C, Cryptocurrency & Blockchain. From which 5 SaaS Ventures lead to Successful Acquisitions 💰

To traveling the world & immigrating internationally to the Netherlands 🇳🇱

Software has enabled us to very quickly build a loyal and a raving customer base who serial buy the products that we build and launch for their business ❤️

Not only an amazing & loyal customers, but amazing connections we have made through Software is absolutely priceless. It has positioned us where we frequently rub shoulders & get to work along-side high level 7 & 8 figure entrepreneurs, businesses and companies 😇

And... Instead of building someone else's business... Affiliates help us scale and grow our Business!

Software is a 100 times better and 100% more predictable than any other business or opportunity I have tried or come across.

The biggest lesson I have learned in my pursuit of building software businesses, is make sure you choose the right industry and market, where money flows strongly, quickly and is a critical / vital for a business that is absolutely needed for the growth of their business 🚨

This is absolutely vital! I have launched multiple SaaS businesses which seemed like a great industry and market. But when we started pushing the product, the solution was a nice to have and not a critical businesses expense that is absolutely needed 🙈

But... The world of SaaS can also be super dangerous 🚨 I have first hand seen many of my friends launch massive SaaS Apps & Solutions that took hundreds of thousands of dollars to build and then could not get any sales due to focusing on the wrong market & industries!

Make absolutely sure you are building an awesome product in the right market 🏆

If you are unsure of what market to choose or what software app to build or daunted by this big endeavour, we have specifically built Discover360 to be completely rebranded & fully white-labeled 🎉

Meaning that anyone can easily rebrand, connect their payment merchant & custom domain and resell our software 💰

We have already done all the hard for you! We have 100% validated, taken all the risk, done all the hard work, put in thousands and thousands of hours of development to fine tune  this amazing piece of software in the advertising & internet marketing space which is proven, high spend, fast moving & super dynamic!

Whether you are: 👇
🏆 Just starting out in businesses
🏆 At 6 Figures and getting some traction
🏆 Or Established business / operation...

The Discover360 White-label SaaS Solution can allow anyone to build a stable, sustainable & high growth potential business in a proven high spend market 💸

💎 Super-Fast Setup!
💎 100% Plug and play!
💎 High Profit / High Spending Market Segment
💎 Powerful Admin Dashboard & SaaS Framework designed for conversions & LTV
💎 1 Billion ads across 6+ advertising platforms that are all searchable & filterable
💎 High Quality Product with several AI Capabalities

If you are keen on joining the Discover360 SaaS WL, Reply to this email below for more info or click on the button to checkout the full details of our Whitelabel Solution 🔥

Don't forget to try out our SaaS Revenue Calculator

Get 86 customers to pay you $98 per month for your SaaS and you have a 6 figure business 🎉

Get 334 customers to pay you $250 per month for your SaaS and you have a 7 figure business 🏆

If you are keen on joining the Discover360 SaaS WL or want to get started with your online journey the right & most profitable way, Reply to this email below for more info 🚀