WL SaaS Updates: Improved Billing Page Logic & UI
We Improved the coupon system + made several pricing alterations when trial / coupon arguments are passed to the billing logic.
We Improved the coupon system + made several pricing alterations when trial / coupon arguments are passed to the billing logic.
Coupon Magic
Now you can easily directly append your coupon to a specific plan with {{domain.com}}billing?subscribe={{plan_id}}&coupon={{yourStripeCoupon}}
The billing system will immediately apply your coupon and show the customer wheter or not their coupon is valid or not, and also then affects the due price field.
When the coupon is valid ✅
When the coupon is not valid ❌
Pricing Magic
Previously when a plan had a trial, it still showed the plan price in the due payment at the bottom of the checkout page, this was due to laravel spark restrictions.
We completely decoupled the spark billing logic and altered it so we could fully modify the billing logic & UI.
Now when both a Trial and or Coupon is applied, it immediately affects the due payment :)
This will solve many support tickets that stemmed from this restriction that shipped with the native version of laravel spark.
Hope you guys enjoy the updates to the billing logic and it helps with ensuring better & more profitable customer onboarding experiences